About The Fritillaria group
The Fritillaria Group has been in existence since 1997. Membership stands at about 290 with representation from most of Europe and countries as far as Japan, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. Most of our members are keen gardeners who love growing fritillaries. We aim to help each other do this more successfully - to this end we have twice yearly informal meetings, in Spring & Autumn. At the Spring meeting there is a non competitive show and at both meetings there are talks, plant sales and a lively dialogue between the members on various aspects of Fritillaria cultivation. We publish two newsletters a year providing information on fritillaries both cultivated and in the wild, together with travelogues and experiences in growing Fritillaria. There is a seed exchange in August. Why not join us? |
As well as growing Fritillaria for pleasure, we also have a more serious side and aim to extend the knowledge & understanding of the genus Fritillaria through study, conservation, cultivation & propagation and to achieve this via: